What is the difference between the Reeves Library catalog, Arthur, MOBIUS, Prospector and Interlibrary Loan?


 Reeves Library is all of the items that you can borrow or use from the library including databases, videos, books, headphones, whiteboards, markers, etc.

The Arthur catalog which has the Reeves Library catalog in it also contains the catalogs for 6 other libraries that are close to Fulton including William Woods which is across town.

The MOBIUS catalog includes the Arthur catalog as well as almost all Missouri academic libraries, a few Missouri public libraries and academic and public libraries from states close to us such as Texas and Iowa.

The Prospector catalog is another group of academic and public libraries like MOBIUS but primarily in Western states such as Colorado, Utah, Idaho, etc.

All of these groups exchange books by a carrier that picks up and delivers from our library Monday through Friday afternoon.

Interlibrary Loan is the ability to request from libraries all over the world, articles that we do not have in our databases and books from United States libraries not in the above groups. The catalog where those are requested is called Worldcat.

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